2013 Post-Season Member Survey Results!

Thanks to all who responded to the Club’s 2013 Post-Season Survey. The Club’s Board of Directors initiated the survey to get feedback that will help guide them as they plan for next summer and beyond. In all, 164 club members responded to the September online survey, representing about 27 percent of the Club’s membership. What follows is a relatively high-level summary of the survey results. A more detailed summary document can be found here.

Overall, the survey found that respondents were overwhelmingly satisfied with the pool this past season. In most cases, members were asked to rate whether they were “Satisfied,” “Mostly Satisfied,” “Mostly Unsatisfied,” or “Unsatisfied” with various aspects of the 2013 pool season and the Club facilities and staff. There were very few "mostly unsatisfied" or “unsatisfied” responses to any question. 

But there were a few areas of concern highlighted by the survey: 

  • Members were not clear on the Club’s guest pass policy and there was some concern whether it was being applied consistently. As a result, the Board will clarify the policy in the April newsletter and on the Club website and work with the management company to ensure it’s being applied consistently by front desk staff. 
  • Broken loungers were a source of occasional frustration for pool members. As a result, the the Club has examined all the loungers, determined which ones are broken, and obtained replacement backs (plus spares) to fix them. 
  • The changing rooms are beginning to look their age and weren’t always cleaned to our member’s satisfaction last season. As a result, the Club is currently soliciting bids for repainting the changing rooms, including the shower stall areas and the ceilings, and is working with our new pool management company to make clear our expectations for cleanliness throughout the facility. 
  • While nearly everyone enjoyed the range of special events at the pool last season, most respondents didn’t volunteer to help at any of them. The Club needs to do a better job of encouraging members to volunteer for these special activities or risk not having as many in the coming season. If you’d like to be a part of special activities at the pool, let us know your interest! (http://greenbriar.org/sign-up-to-volunteer/)

Thanks again for a very successful 2013 season and for letting the Club know your thoughts. But don’t feel like you have to wait for the 2014 post-season survey to weigh in again — you can send your questions and feedback at any time to the Club at pool@greenbriar.org, or come to a meeting of the pool board (3rd Wednesday of every month!). 

Annual Membership Meeting

The Annual Membership Meeting of the Greenbriar Pool Club will take place on Wednesday, February 19, 2014, at 7 pm in the Greenbriar East Elementary School Library. Members who attend will have the opportunity to vote to fill three vacant positions on the Club's Board of Directors and approve or reject any proposed changes to the Club bylaws. 

If you have an interest in running for one of the open board positions and would like a bio or short statement about your candidacy to appear in the February newsletter, please submit it to pool@greenbriar.org by Saturday, January 25th. Notice of the nominees for the open positions will go out to all members by February 4th. Members may also announce their candidacy for the open board seats at the annual meeting. Your pool needs you — please consider volunteering for an open seat!