Rule Violation Policy
Violation of any of the Pool Rules by any Member, their children, or guests may result in immediate expulsion from the pool area, fines and/or the loss of pool privileges for a period of time to be determined by the Board of Directors. If an individual has been suspended from the pool, they may not enter as the guest of another member during the period of their suspension.
Lifeguards will deal with minor infractions as appropriate, under the supervision of the pool manager. Serious or repeated minor violations will be handled by the pool manager. Use or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons, abusive language or threats of physical violence to members, guests and pool staff will be forwarded immediately to the Board. When warranted, the pool manager will generate a Membership / Guest Disciplinary Report and notify the Board of Directors. The Board may recommend the manager impose a specific disciplinary action, or the Board may impose that disciplinary action by its own motion. This policy serves as a guideline for the Board of Directors in determining the actions the Club may take in response to violations of the rules, but the Board retains the ability to impose a different penalty using its own discretion after consideration of the circumstances surrounding the violation. Disciplinary actions accrue for the life of the membership.
The escalation for minor infractions:
First Notice: Courtesy written warning.
Second Notice: Certified mail letter and one (1) week minimum suspension of Pool access with reinstatement contingent on the Member providing a signed statement describing the corrective actions taken to prevent future Pool Rule violations.
Third Notice: Certified mail letter and two (2) week minimum suspension of Pool access with reinstatement contingent on the Member providing a signed statement describing the corrective actions taken to prevent future Pool Rule violations.
Fourth Notice: Certified mail letter and one (1) month minimum suspension of Pool access with reinstatement contingent on the Member providing a signed statement describing the corrective actions taken to prevent future Pool Rule violations.
Fifth Notice: Certified mail letter and indefinite suspension of Pool access. The Member can present a case for reinstatement within 14 calendar days to the Board of Directors for review at the next Board Meeting and the Board will vote on a possible reinstatement timeline.
Sixth Notice: The family’s membership is revoked. Certified mail letter stating that membership has been revoked and will not be reinstated. Membership will be purchased by Greenbriar Pool Club, Inc. at Fair Market Value as determined by the average sale price over the previous three months.