Saturday, Sept. 5 - Labor Day Weekend Party

The end of summer is upon us, let's send it off with a blast!

Musical styling of our very own Patrick Wray, games for kids, bouncy house and late night fun!

Burgers, hot dogs, lemonade, & water  provided.

Members please bring sides, desserts and soda according to list below.

#1-200    bring side
201-400 bring dessert
401-600 bring 2 liter beverage

See the link below to sign up and help.

6 PM - 11 PM    Bouncy House
7 PM - 8 PM    Potluck (volunteers needed)
8 PM - 11 PM     Patrick Wray!

PLEASE NOTE: We typically exceed our permitted capacity during Labor Day Weekend.  Our permitted capacity is set by Fairfax County. If this happens, members who leave the pool for any reason (including to go to their car) must go to the end of the line and wait to be re-admitted.  Similarly, if your family or guests arrive at different times, the later arrivals cannot join you without waiting in line.  So please plan to bring everything with you when you come to the pool.  This includes all your kids and any food for the potluck.