General Membership Meeting - February 15th at 7 pm at Greenbriar east elementary library
Our General Membership Meeting will be held on February 15th at 7:00 pm in the Greenbriar East Elementary library. All pool members are welcome and are highly encouraged to attend.
Members are invited to run for open pool board positions, elect new board members, and/or join in the discussions. Anyone wishing to raise a specific topic before the Board is welcome to do so. Each speaker is given five minutes.
There are open positions available on the pool board. To run for a Board position, please submit a short bio (100-200 words) to by Friday, February 10th, so you can be added to the ballot. Candidates may also be nominated during the meeting.
The pool Board strives to ensure that we are representing the interests and wishes of the membership; your participation, either in volunteer positions or by attending our meetings, is crucial to this effort. So please be sure to join us on February 15th.