Updated Maintenance Fee Deadline/Late Fee Schedule for 2020
At this time, there are no changes to the last update about the operating status of the pool for the 2020 season. We are currently still planning for a June 10 opening. While the Board had previously extended the maintenance fee deadline until opening day, it was decided to extend it even further.
The 2020 maintenance fee deadline is extended until September 30, 2020.
Members must be in PAID status in order to use the pool facility - UNPAID members can choose to delay payment but they are also giving up use of the pool until their account is PAID.
Families with children participating in swim/dive must pay their maintenance fee before signing up for teams.
If a refund is given to members who paid $450, the UNPAID accounts must pay the reduced maintenance fee price by September 30, 2020 and will NOT be given a refund.
A single late fee of $50 will be applied to any UNPAID account on October 1, 2020 and the account will enter year 1 of arrears. Article V Section 6 of the Bylaws addresses non-payment of maintenance fees.
Please keep in mind that the pool has fixed expenses so maintenance fee payments from all members is necessary to properly maintain the pool facility. Please refer to Article VII of the Bylaws (Dues and Fees) for more information.