This week @ the Pool: Friday 7/1 – Friday 7/15

Happy 4th of July from the Greenbriar Pool Board

On behalf of the Greenbriar Pool Club Board of Directors, we wish all of our members and their families a Happy 4th of July, 2022. As a reminder, guests are not allowed at the Pool on July 4 weekend to ensure sufficient capacity for our membership. This rule applies to Saturday, July 2, through Monday, July 4. Also, please take note of our 4th of July weekend activities below under the Special Activities section, including a Touch-a-Truck event with the local fire department on-site on Saturday, July 2 mid-day, and a rafternoon on Sunday, July 3.

Early Closing on July 4 @ 6 p.m.

As in prior years, the Pool will close at 6 p.m. on July 4 (Monday).

Pool Capacity Reminder

As a reminder, members may check the headcount status on the pool website here: Pool Status. Please note that this website sometimes takes 10-30 seconds to render with data depending on website traffic and your individual connection speed. We have had a few disruptions to this free service over the last month due to third-party hosting issues, but as of the time of this writing this free feature is working and remains available to our membership.

Amenity Updates

Our newly painted pickleball (+nets) and basketball sport courts are now available for our members and their guests in the side parking lot. Members may utilize the side lot sport courts on a first-come-first-serve basis. To use the pickleball courts, members must bring their own rackets and balls (the Pool is not able to provide these at this time). We have asked NV Pools staff to set up the pickleball nets upon opening the Pool for general membership use (and they will store the nets at night for safekeeping). If you don't see the nets up while at the Pool, simply ask the NV Pool guard staff at the front desk to assist you in setting up the nets. If the Board finds that use of the sport courts is not being shared equitably, we may introduce time limits on the sport courts.

Lost & Found Filling Up

We encourage all of our members and their guests to remember to check the lost and found "baskets" adjacent to the front desk for any lost items. The Board has noted that the lost and found is filling up.

Special Activities / Extracurricular Events Update

Please MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the following upcoming special events at the Pool:

  • Saturday, July 2nd - 4th of July TOUCH-A-TRUCK Event with the Fair Oaks Volunteer Fire Department- We encourage our members both young and old to come check out to say hello to our local fire department, who will have a fire truck on-site at the Pool parking lot on Saturday, July 2 from 11:30a until around 12:15p.

  • Sunday, July 3rd – RAFTERNOON- 3PM - 5PM: Bring your rafts and floaties ( patriotic attire is encouraged!) for a fun afternoon at the Pool.

  • Saturday, July 9th - Catered Adult Late Night - The Pool is hosting its second adult late night at the pool, this one with a DJ, food and margarita machine sponsored by the Pool Club. We encourage all members 21 and over to attend (up to 2 guests per membership allowed).

Swim / Dive Team Updates & Upcoming Events

Please BE AWARE of the following Swim Team events and plan accordingly:

  • Friday, July 1 - Swim Team Pep Rally 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm. The pep rally will be held in the grassy area with the umbrellas.

  • Saturday, July 2 - Swim Meet against Hunter Hill 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. The pool will open to the general membership at noon.

  • Tuesday, July 5 - Dive Meet against Camelot 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Only the wings of the pool are open to the general membership during the dive meet.

  • Friday, July 8 - Swim Team Pep Rally 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm. The pep rally will be held in the grassy area with the umbrellas.

  • Saturday, July 9 - Swim Meet against Sleepy Hollow 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. The pool will open to the general membership at noon.

  • Thursday, July 14- Dive Meet against OSRC 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm. Only the wings of the pool are open to the general membership during the dive meet.

  • Friday, July 15 - Swim Team Pep Rally 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm. The pep rally will be held in the grassy area with the umbrellas.