Off-Season Sports in the Side Lot
We’ve gotten the new gate for the side lot installed. The combination to the gate has been distributed to members who expressed an interest in playing pickleball or basketball in the off-season. We also created a mailing list for that subset of members so that they can communicate without flooding the mailboxes of all the members, and so that we can periodically change the combination for the gate and let the interested members know.
If you wish to be use the courts in the side lot and be added to the mailing list, simply send a message to and We will validate that you’re a member in good standing and will send you the code and add you to the mailing list.
Members are reminded:
not to share the code with anyone (including posting on social media)
a pool member must be with a group at the court at all times
use of the courts are at your own risk
no access to the pool deck or building
please don't prop the gate open