Greenbriar Pool Club- In the Know
We had a terrific opening weekend at the pool - the weather cooperated, and while there was a brief wait in the mornings, we never reached our capacity limits and the guard staff got everyone checked in smoothly. The board and NVPools staff did a lot of work getting the pool ready to open, with all the furniture out, the new ADA tables installed, the new kid's playset ready, and the deck pressure washed. We had good use of the side lot courts, our new pool basketball hoop, and the new low diving board. The guards conducted a LOT of swimsafe tests, and the member parents did an outstanding job of watching over their non-swimmer children. We had no incidents of any significance during our opening weekend. The snack bar did well and the new items were quite popular.
Looking at the week ahead, we'll have the wood carpeting (fine mulch) installed in the small playground on Monday morning before the pool opens, and next Saturday the swim team will be having their time trials in the morning until noon. And of course, guests are welcome at the pool - the next "no guests" day will be on the 4th of July, and the policy applies ONLY to the 4th, guests are permitted on other days.
Be safe and enjoy our pool!