Greenbriar Pool Club - In The Know-Week of 7.21.24
Only six weeks remain in the 2024 pool season. We've already welcomed over 13,000 visits to our pool this year!
The Board wants to take a moment to recognize our incredible NVPools staff for their hard work in keeping our pool clean and running smoothly. The week of July 28th, we'll be celebrating Guard Appreciation Week. It's the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to our guard team for their dedication and diligence. If you have a chance, please take a moment to let them know how much we value their efforts. And if you're feeling generous, a small treat would surely make their week even brighter.
Now to cover some administrative items. At the July board meeting, the board approved a couple of rule changes (don’t panic, they’re minor). We corrected a discrepancy in the children's section to make it clear that kids under 13 need to be swim-safe to use the dive well unless they’re getting a private lesson. We also set a minimum age of fifteen (15) to accompany guests, so we don’t have a bunch of younger kids without supervision. Please note that non-swim-safe guests under 13, or any guest under 10, must be accompanied by an adult (18+) member, depending on how things go, we may lower or raise the “escort” age in the future. The Board also approved this year’s dog swim day, currently planned for the Saturday after we close. The Board will be commissioning a formal “reserve study” of the facility to look at the projected repairs/refreshments for the pool, the clubhouse, and the real estate in the future. This will help us set the maintenance fee properly in future years. The Board also approved moving a portion of our current reserve account to an investment strategy of laddered CDs so that we can increase the return on our reserve funds while still keeping enough cash to meet immediate needs. As you can see, the Board is involved in being good long-term stewards of the club as well as overseeing immediate operational needs.
Now for the week ahead. Saturday, July 27th is Adult Late Night at the pool beginning at 8 pm. This event is for 21+ members only. The Adult Late Night is BYOB and guests are permitted. Sunday the 28th will be a great day to spend at the pool with a Rafternoon starting at 3 pm. This week, the snack bar will be offering another Rafternoon special.
Watch social media this week for additional details about Adult Late Night and the snack bar Rafternoon special.
Have a great week!Only six weeks remain in the 2024 pool season. We've already welcomed over 13,000 visits to our pool this year!
The Board wants to take a moment to recognize our incredible NVPools staff for their hard work in keeping our pool clean and running smoothly. The week of July 28th, we'll be celebrating Guard Appreciation Week. It's the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to our guard team for their dedication and diligence. If you have a chance, please take a moment to let them know how much we value their efforts. And if you're feeling generous, a small treat would surely make their week even brighter.
Now to cover some administrative items. At the July board meeting, the board approved a couple of rule changes (don’t panic, they’re minor). We corrected a discrepancy in the children's section to make it clear that kids under 13 need to be swim-safe to use the dive well unless they’re getting a private lesson. We also set a minimum age of fifteen (15) to accompany guests, so we don’t have a bunch of younger kids without supervision. Please note that non-swim-safe guests under 13, or any guest under 10, must be accompanied by an adult (18+) member, depending on how things go, we may lower or raise the “escort” age in the future. The Board also approved this year’s dog swim day, currently planned for the Saturday after we close. The Board will be commissioning a formal “reserve study” of the facility to look at the projected repairs/refreshments for the pool, the clubhouse, and the real estate in the future. This will help us set the maintenance fee properly in future years. The Board also approved moving a portion of our current reserve account to an investment strategy of laddered CDs so that we can increase the return on our reserve funds while still keeping enough cash to meet immediate needs. As you can see, the Board is involved in being good long-term stewards of the club as well as overseeing immediate operational needs.
Now for the week ahead. Saturday, July 27th is Adult Late Night at the pool beginning at 8 pm. This event is for 21+ members only. The Adult Late Night is BYOB and guests are permitted. Sunday the 28th will be a great day to spend at the pool with a Rafternoon starting at 3 pm. This week, the snack bar will be offering another Rafternoon special.
Watch social media this week for additional details about Adult Late Night and the snack bar Rafternoon special.
Have a great week!