Notes from the March Board meeting, and our first look forward for the 2025 season
The Pool Board met on March 19th, and there are a few things we want to bring to your attention.
First, we worked out the 2025 slate of officers and responsibilities for the Board. The Officers for 2025 are:
President - Tim Metzinger
Vice President - Amy Portofe
Secretary - Charlie Passut
Treasurer - Mark Thompson
Jeff McCurry, who retired from the Board in February, will assist Mark in transitioning in to the Treasurer role. I'm sure the entire club is grateful for his years of service and ensuring that things transition smoothly to Mark.
The other responsibilities assigned to Board members include:
Operations and Maintenance - Chance Putzke will be responsible for the Pool and Clubhouse facilities, and will work with NVPools on those issues. Gus Perez will be responsible for the grounds, including the landscaping. Matt DiGuadio will be responsible for the parking lots and the fencing and gates around the property.
Gus will continue to watch over our teams (swim and dive) and liase with the team reps who will manage the teams during the seaon.
Brian Cummings will be the director to oversee the NVPools guards and management staff.
Charlie and Mark will stay on top of our pickleball activities.
By now some members reading this will be asking "What about Special Activities?" Bethany Quick, our previous Special Activities Coordinator, also retired from the Board in February, after 5 years of service, and she will be missed. Angie Lander has agreed to take on these responsibilities, and she is looking for volunteers to serve on a Special Activities Committee. Committee members will work together to plan and host special events, working with Angie to coordinate scheduling, guards needed, and finances for the event. Angie will manage the overall events budget for the season and the club will take care of the funding for events. Email to volunteer!
The Board also decided the 2025 price for a club-owned membership - $3000.00. This is the price the club will use to sell a membership the club owns (we have two this year), and if the club must buy back a membership in accordance with the bylaws, this is the price that a club will pay (less any amount owed the club or other expenses). The price is based on historical sales data in 2024.
As mentioned, the club has two memberships that reverted to us in 2024. Anyone who'd like to be entered in a lottery to purchase one of these memberships should contact our pool administrator ( no later than 5PM on March 28th. The person entering the lottery should be prepared to pay the pool the purchase price and the maintenance fee (total $3525.00) if they are chosen. On March 29th, all the entrants will be assigned a number, and those numbers will be chosen at random to determine the order. The club will then contact each entrant in order, giving them a chance to confirm or decline their membership purchase. When the available memberships are sold, we'll notify all the entrants that the lottery is over, and we'll also make a post on the pool website and Facebook group.
Looking ahead to the 2025 season, here's a sneak peek at things that may be slightly different this year:
We're going to change the way the swimsafe tests are managed. Anyone who wants to take a swimsafe test will see the guard at the front desk, and fill out a small form to 'register' to take the test at the next break. This will ensure that there are enough guards to manage the test, and that the tests are in accordance with our rules (one test a day, six day wait after a 'save'). Then the forms will be used to record the test results, and they'll get entered into an electronic record by the guard staff later.
We are going to experiment this year with letting local businesses "sponsor" our team meets. They will be allowed to hang a banner on one of the pool fences during a meet. Banners will not remain up outside of the meet time. This will bring in revenue and help support the cost of the teams.