This week at the Pool: Friday 8/19 – Friday 9/2
Pool Capacity Reminder
As a reminder, members may check the headcount status on the pool website here: The recent upgrades performed by the service provider have made it more reliable and faster to respond.
Commentary from the Pool Board
As the Pool season winds down, we want to thank all of our members for another great season. We hope our members and their guests can get out these next two weeks to enjoy the Pool facilities and encourage you to thank the NV Pools staff and lifeguards for their good work this summer. We welcome those who are interested to join our next Board meeting, to be held on August 24 at 7:30pm if you care to share any feedback or otherwise listen in on the Board's open session, please e-mail to let us know to expect you.
Please Clean Up After Yourself and Your Guests!
NV Pools staff has noticed again that Pool members are leaving trash behind when leaving the Pool. Items the staff has reported having to place in the trash includes soiled diapers, food wrappers, drink bottles, and other waste. Please be courteous and respectful to our staff and other members by disposing of all waste you create while visiting the Pool. An easy mantra for this, "Pack it in, pack it out." We have plenty of trash cans around the facility for our members' use for this reason.
Special Activities / Extracurricular Events Update
Please MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the following upcoming special events at the Pool:
Saturday, August 20th 3 - 5p - Rafternoon
Saturday, August 20th 8 - 11p - Teen Late Night
Saturday, August 27th 8 - 11p - Adult Late Night- Not catered, BYOB, and local DJ favorite (and Pool member) Baard Grindal. Please note the event ends at 11p in lieu of 12a.
As the 2022 Pool Season comes to a close, make sure to enjoy your LAST pool day of the season on Monday, September 5th. The pool will be open until 6pm. And just a friendly reminder that guests will not be allowed during Labor Day weekend.