T minus Two Months
It may not look it, but we're just two months away from opening day at the pool. And between now and then there's a lot of stuff that needs doing! In response to membership requests and complaints about the old, somewhat slippery concrete floor in the locker rooms, the floor has been resurfaced with a poly-aspartic coating that is both much grippier than the bare concrete and much more colorful.
The new floor!
But now that we've got new, colorful floors, we've also got some things that need repainting to match -- locker room doors, accent walls, doors to the snack bar and guard shack. And we'd love your help! The pool has always relied on the volunteer efforts of its membership to help with things like painting and landscaping as a way of keeping maintenance fees low. This year we've posted a list of tasks that need to be completed before opening day (hopefully well before opening day). If one or more of them looks like something you'd be willing to help with, just select it and let us know!
We're also happy to report that our new 1m diving board has arrived!