Filtering by: Volunteers Needed!

7:00 PM19:00

Labor Day Party

Labor Day Weekend Party!!!

The end of summer is upon us, let's send it off with a blast!

Saturday night, Sept 5, 7-11 pm.  (details below)

Musical stylings of our very own Patrick Wray, games for kids, bouncy house and late night fun!

Will provide the burgers and hot dogs, you provide the sides, desserts and sodas (water and lemonade also provided),

Members 1-200 bring side, 201-400 bring dessert, 401-600 bring 2 liter beverage.

6-11 Bouncy house

7-8 Pot Luck  -  volunteers needed!  

Sign up link

8-11 - Patrick Wray!

Hope to see you all there!

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10:00 AM10:00

Volunteer Clean-up Day!

Earn a “golden ticket” to a private swim event the day before the pool officially opens, by volunteering for a few hours to help get the pool ready for opening weekend! Volunteer Clean Up Day is Saturday, May 2nd from 10:00 a.m. until we finish (rain date Saturday, May 9th). Anyone old enough to push a broom, wipe down a cushion, or rake sand is welcome to participate. All volunteers receive a golden ticket for our Golden Ticket Swim Party Friday, May 22nd from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Be the first in the pool this season, earn your golden ticket!

Let us know you're coming!

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